All parts of you matter


Healing Our Inner Children

Many of us carry wounds from our lived experiences. Maybe you didn’t feeling loved, protected, nurtured, seen, or understood as a child. Maybe you weren’t given the tools or support needed for making sense of your feelings, or it wasn’t safe to take up space in your family, friendships, or community.

As a result, protective parts of ourselves developed in service of survival & caring for ourselves in the best ways we knew how to get our needs met.

When these wounds of our past are left unhealed, the protective parts of ourselves (inner children) will continue to show up in means of protection & safety that served us in the past, but no longer serve us today as the adult.

With understanding comes gratitude for our inner children for the creative ways they helped us survive. It is up to us to unburden them from continuing in their past roles, for us to take the lead now.


Just keep coming home to yourself. You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

— Byron Katie


Creating a Secure Attachment within Ourselves

In having a secure attachment within ourselves, we can compassionately welcome all parts of ourselves into the home (or secure base) we’ve built for our inner family.

This allows us to begin taking care of all parts of ourselves in the loving & caring ways they needed in the past. All our behaviors makes sense when we are aware our story & the parts of us that developed as a result.

By nurturing (or reparenting) ourselves, we can create loving relationships with all parts of ourselves & become the functional adults we desire to be.

Cultivating a home within ourselves allows us to have a home that we can carry wherever we go. No matter where we find ourselves in the world or who we are surrounded by, all parts of us can feel a deep sense of belonging.

This is your invitation to create a home within you so that healing & transformation can be possible.


Somatic Experiencing, Brainspotting, & Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy


Ego States Work & Secure Attachment Skills